Page 8 - Nails
P. 8

   "Are you all right?"
   "Yeah. Just a little hungover."
   "Well, we can call it off if you want?"
   "Oh no. No."
   "So," he began. "I'll see you in twenty minutes.
I don't fancy driving, perhaps we can walk?"
   "Yes, that'll be nice."
   "Okay, see you soon then."
   "Right, cheers."
   He put the receiver down, went over to the
stereo and turned the music up again.
   Call it off? Like hell.

   You are

   You are my field
   And I have come to lie here
   You are my tranquillity
   And I have come to rest here

   You are my sanctuary
   And I have come to hide fear
   You are my hope
   And I have come to face fear

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